Price List Tutorials

Please select from the following tutorials.

Manufacturers’ Price Lists
Other Price Lists
Advanced Pricing Tool

Manufacturers’ Price Lists

Step 1

-Login to D24 using the link below:

-You can also get to D24 by going to the order page on the Belknap website and clicking Login.


-If you don’t have a D24 account, fill out the form on the order page on the Belknap website.

Step 2

-Click on the “Top Manufacturers’ Price Lists” button and click on the Manufacturer Price List you would like to view.

This list will always display the most current prices.

Please note not all Price Lists may be shown, and there may be Price Lists that don’t apply to your territory.  See Other Price Lists to see more or contact your Sales Rep for more information.

Please also note, unfinished commodity pricing, Armstrong CCA, Armstrong Resilient/Imagine Laminate, and some trim is not reflected in these Price Lists.  Please continue to get these prices from your Sales Rep.  We hope to move these online in the coming months.

Step 3

-It may take some time, up to 2 minutes, for your Price List to load, especially if the list is large.  Don’t worry your list will load.

Step 4

-When you hover at the top of the Price List window or to the right you’ll be presented with a number of options.

-Shows the page number you’re viewing out of the totalpages.

-Rotates the Price List.

-Downloads the Price List to a location on your computer.

-Allows you to print to a printer stored on your computer.

-The remaining buttons allow you to zoom in or out of the Price List.

-Please note prices are subject to change, so be sure your downloads and printouts don’t get out of date.  Always check back with D24 or your Sales Rep to get your most up-to-date pricing.  

Step 5

-Click the “x” on the top right to get out of your Price List.

Other Price Lists

Step 1

-Some users might prefer to see more generic Price Lists, see a future Price List, put multiple manufacturers in one Price List, or need a Price List for a manufacturer that isn’t in the “Top Manufacturers’ Price Lists” tab.

-Click on the “Other Pricing and Product Info” tab.

-Click on “Request Price List”.

Step 2

-For current pricing leave the Effective Date as the default.  For future pricing, change the date to a date in the future.

-You can edit the Report Type to report by Price Class or Item Number.

-You can edit the Document type to be generated as an excel, csv, or PDF.

-Add the email address where you would like to receive the Price List.  You can also click more to find your email address.

Add the manufacturer or manufacturers you would like by clicking on the manufacturer name on the left under Available.

Remove a manufacturer by clicking on the manufacturer name on the right under Selected.

-Click Submit Request.

-Note your request may take some time to get to your email Inbox.

Advanced Pricing Tool

Step 1

-For a more advanced pricing tool that allows you to create Retail Price Lists from your Belknap Price List, click on “Other Pricing and Product Info”

-Then select “Advanced Pricing Portal”.

-Please be sure your pop up blockers are disabled or you will not be able to view your created price list.

Step 2

-You can choose a particular product line or product to search by adding a Keyword, selecting a Manufacturer to search, adding a Color or Pattern.

-You can upload a logo or choose a header image for your Price List.  You can also choose to hide Trim.

-Click Submit.

-Please note this can take up to 2 minutes depending on the number of products that match your criteria.

Step 3

-Scrolling down you should see all the products that match your criteria.  You can now modify your price list to create a Retail Price List.

-You can add a blanket amount, percent, or margin to all products by entering an amount and clicking “Apply blanket Modification.”

-You can also individually markup items by selecting from the dropdown next to each item, adding an amount and selecting “Apply Markup.”

-Finally you can control what you want the Adjusted Price Column Label to read.

-When you’re done click the Download Price List PDF.

-This will take some time to load, up to 2 minutes.

-Click the header at the top to return to D24.

-Please note if your Price List does not download be sure your browser’s Pop-up blockers are turned off.